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有没有一家互联网公司,不需要 996, 又是朝阳的行业,而且是行业的领头羊,

  •   Painterson · 2019-05-15 20:25:50 +08:00 · 1812 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1957 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    有没有一家互联网公司,不需要 996, 又是朝阳的行业,而且是行业的领头羊,最好是开放的、尊重员工的和鼓励员工说出自己(不同)观点的文化, 如果是外企的话不受总部牵制而能中国本地决定做什么以及怎么做?还能偶尔来一下国际出差? Salary 也是比较有竞争力的?


    你知道 Booking.com 吗?万一你不知道的话,BookingHoldings Goup 是全球市值最大的 OTA (fyi, 第三大的是携程,而本身我们也是携程的大股东之一,同时我们也投资了滴滴,美团点评等)。即使在所有的 eCommerce 里面,我们的市值也能排第四(仅次于亚马逊,阿里等)。我们在中国市场有很多的挑战,同时有巨大的机会,所以我们中国的团队在快速增长去解决这些问题(同时伴随 complexity 和 scalability 的挑战)。如果你注意到最近半年我们产品的改变,你会发现有很多的改进,我们甚至已经为中国用户创建全新的产品。

    有兴趣可以联系我 [email protected] 或者微信 pismyname
    2 条回复    2019-05-22 13:08:20 +08:00
       2019-05-15 20:47:39 +08:00
       2019-05-22 13:08:20 +08:00
    @male110 目前在招的主要是各个级别的后端开发,移动开发,产品经理,开发经理等,

    1. Principal Developer

    · 10+ years of software development experience, minimum 3 years in lead/architect role.

    · Proven hands-on experience in designing, building, improving and operating high-performance, highly-available and scalable distributed systems in fast growing environment.

    · Bilingual language skill

    2. Fraud and Security Analyst

    · 3+ years of knowledge and experience with regard to fraud and/or security case management.

    · Strong SQL and Excel Skills, experience with Hive (Hadoop) is highly preferred.

    · Fluent English and Mandarin, both written and spoken.

    3. Sr. Technical Program Manager

    · 6+ years technical program management.
    · Experience in the technical field with high traffic mobile or web products.

    · Can use English in working environment both spoken and listening.

    4. Manager Software Development

    · 3+ years ’ experience in a leadership or managerial role, preferably with indirect management experience.

    · Background in a technical role (i.e. programming).

    · Experience working on large scale websites is a plus.

    · Can use English in working environment both spoken and listening.

    5. Senior Software Developer

    · 10+ software (backend) development experience of web applications and distributed system and currently in a technical leadership role.

    · Can use English in working environment both spoken and listening.

    6. Android Developer

    · 3+ years of Android application development using Android SDK.

    · 5+ years of experience as a developer with Java and other languages.

    · Fluent in English and Mandarin

    7. IOS Developer

    · 3+ years iOS application development using iOS SDK.

    · Full life cycle development from translating requirements and mock-ups into fully functioning features.

    · Fluent in Objective C and strong interaction and design sense

    8. Backend Developer

    · 3+ (backend) development experience of web applications and distributed system, no limitation of programming languages the candidates use.

    · Good written and reading English skill, spoken and listening English is preferred but not a must.

    9. Software Quality Engineer

    · 4+ years web application automation testing experience.

    · Good grasp of coding skill (or algorithm and data structure knowledge.).

    · Can use English in working environment both spoken and listening.
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